"Zoe, what the heck is a icosikaioctagon?" you ask me. Well, dear reader, a icosikaioctagon is a polygon. A polygon with how many sides? 28.
No, I am not in Michigan. What number is this post? 26? And what state is the 26th? Oh, I guess that'd be Michigan! I literally had to Googl
The Quarterly Report
What even is a quarterly report? Am I just making that up?
I Don't Know About You, But I'm Feeling 22
"Another Tay Swizzle reference?" you ask me, concerned. Well yes, dear reader, I made ANOTHER T. Swifty reference for a post name. Hopefully
Shots! Shots! Shots!
Yes, I am making a drinking reference for the 21st post, because I can.
The Legal Post
Legal! Cause it's post 18! I'm so creative.

Sixteen Posts
Today's post is named after a spectacular film from the 1980s. You guessed it! Sixteen Candles.
You Know Who You're Gonna Be (Fifteen)
I stole some T Swifty lyrics for today's post because I had nowhere else to turn. Yes, I still listen to Taylor Swift.
The Thirteenth Post
I just tried to spell vague with an "f" instead of a "v" I need to get more sleep oh my god
Yes, I used the German word that sounds like the English word for the number 9. No, I do not care. I'm just that cool.