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You Know Who You're Gonna Be (Fifteen)

I stole some T Swifty lyrics for today's post because I had nowhere else to turn. Yes, I still listen to Taylor Swift.

On the subject of music, I have found a new appreciation in the band Ra Ra Riot. Their song "Absolutely" is my favorite by far, but I love their album The Rhumb Line. They're a high quality band, and I love their use of strings. I'm actually going to a concert tomorrow (sadly, not Ra Ra Riot). I'm also getting my hair redyed in honor of this concert. My hair is currently fading from "Sky Blue" by ion to a weird green. I love the color green, but I just don't think it belongs in my hair. I'm going to ask for more of a pastel blue tomorrow. I'm actually getting it professionally done, which is why I decided it to be an appropriate time for testing out pastel hair. My inspiration is the ion color "Shark Blue" which not only has a cool name, but is also a perfect blend of blue, gray, and purple. I also have my outfit for the concert (mostly?) picked out. I never really wear crop tops, so I'm slowly transitioning into it by wearing a long crop top, which only shows the bottom of my stomach when I move. It shall be accompanied by my new favorite baggy shorts. (Btw I'm totally rocking out to "Each Year" by Ra Ra Riot right now.) I figured I should try to expand my wardrobe during summer in an experimental phase. I'm also trying to alter the way I perceive life in general, which has aided me in accepting things I ordinarily would have thrown a tantrum over. I've grown so much as a human over the past three years, and I'm beginning to find my place in the world. I've found a new appreciation for people in the world, and have tried to institute an overall positive atmosphere in my daily life.

Maturity kinda sucks. You have to let go of the stupid things, and refuse to argue for the sake of feeling better. Being the bigger person is usually ridiculously unsatisfying, but it will lead to better relationships in life. I think my family realized how much I've grown and matured lately, because I stopped acting like a spoiled brat. I've only recently realized just how rude I was when I was little. It's one of those things that you don't see until it's over. Which is not to say I don't still have my moments, I do. Everyone does. But mine are now few and far between (that I can see, anyway). It's made me a more likeable person, and I believe that if I were another person, I would enjoy hanging out with myself. Part of it has come from expanding my taste and acceptance of music and clothes and people in general. Being open-minded has made me so much more of a kind person. I believe it has made me more empathetic and has led to a tendency to care more for others and myself.

I am definitely babbling. So I'm gonna stop myself. Today I got a new phone! My old one was an iPhone 5C, which I loved dearly, but it wouldn't do the most mundane things, and my battery life was complete crap. I upgraded to the 6SE, which is basically an iPhone 6, but the size of an iPhone 5. The small width was heavenly to my tiny feminine hands. I've tried to handle an iPhone 6 Plus, and it is no walk in the park. My new phone is so shiny and pretty and I never ever want to give it up. Hey, I can still love material items and be a good person. And I still managed to keep all my Snapchat streaks alive! All in all, I would deem it a successful day. And that's all, folks!

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