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Ups and Downs

I know it's been a looooong time since I last wrote, but I've been crazy busy. First of all I had an internship that lasted all summer where I worked 40 hours a week. Then I crashed head first into my second year at college.

One thing I've learned (again and again and again) is that my life is full of ups and downs and will continue to go like that for the rest of my life. This past semester has been full of high highs and low lows. I got out of a relationship and discovered the world of hookups much to my emotional distress (don't get me wrong, the hookups were fun... they just didn't give me emotional fulfillment). I found some amazing new friends that I would be lost without. I seriously would have dropped out if it weren't for them. I struggled with classes. A lot.

I ate so much cookie dough last semester I'm pretty sure I would qualify for a Nestle sponsorship. My new addiction added numbers on the scale, which made me eat even more cookie dough to cope (and rinse and repeat).

Even though I went through a lot of awful things in the past months, I wouldn't trade them for anything else. The friends I've made are the kind I would keep in touch with until death (and then probably after death too cause ghosts are a thing). Whenever I was upset, at least two of my friends would come over immediately with food. I never felt alone because they were always in my corner, letting me know they were there for me. There is no possible way I could repay them for what they've both knowingly and unknowingly done for me.

Riding in the passenger seat at night, blaring our collaborative playlist on Spotify, and singing at the top of our lungs will forever be one of my favorite memories. My friends are so close to my heart and I would be nothing if I hadn't met them.

Keep your friends close, and your enemies nonexistent because who really has time to make enemies when you're living your best life?

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