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The Legal Post

Legal! Cause it's post 18! I'm so creative.

I finally figured out how to play Pokemon Go after like a week of struggling. I managed to catch six tonight, because I used a special incense thingy? Anyway, one of those rat things was on my trash can. My mom and I found that amusing. Speaking of my mom, she caught a Charmander in our backyard. She's better at this game than I am. Tomorrow I'm heading over to a friend's house, so hopefully I'll be able to catch more there. I'm only a level three, and I'm still thinking about which team I should join. There are three or four gyms near my house, and all of them are red. I think that means they're Team Valor. So I should probably join that team if I want to survive in my neighborhood. I've given all my little friends funny names. I named my Eevee "Fox Puppy" cause it looked like a fox and a puppy combined. I think the Eevee is my favorite. It's just so cute! I named my Rattata "Ratatootie" because I named my first one "Ratatouille" and the first one was fully evolved. My Squirtle is named "Squirrel" because it looks like an aquatic squirrel/turtle. My Weedle is "Tweedledum" cause I saw Weedle and that popped into my mind. My Spearow is named "Ugly Ducklin" cause I'm not THAT creative with names. I caught a second Spearow and named it "Ducky #2" but I transferred it because I already had Ugly Ducklin. I tried to spell it "Duckling" but I ran out of room, so now it's an improper (but cute) spelling.

I've done pretty much everything in my online health class, and all I have to do now is Geography, which is my worst subject. At least with Health I can guess most of the time. I know nothing about history, and boy is it showing. My dad keeps texting me about staying on top of my Geography class because I was behind due to Cabin Week. Online teachers are even more annoying than regular ones cause they aren't afraid to call your parents.

The idea of Geography class is making me not feel good, so I'm gonna change the subject again. I started watching Mr. Robot! Rami is officially my husband. He is such an amazing actor. I love the fact that he stole the dog cause his owner was abusive. A+ man right there. I feel like after watching one episode that I could be a hacker. All I have to do is type a bunch of stuff and wear a black hoodie! Yeah, right.

I've found that The xx make for really great background music. The vibe they give off is very chill, and it actually helps me focus. I mean, I still listen to them when I'm not doing other stuff, but if I need to get things done, listening to their music helps a lot.

I'm going to read now. I've been stuck on "Black Dawn" by Rachel Caine for awhile cause I hate the draug. I'm going to try to get through some of it tonight, for the sake of reading more of Claire and Shane. Peace out brah

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