The Thirteenth Post
Today's post is named for a vague (I just tried to spell vague with an "f" instead of a "v" I need to get more sleep oh my god) reference to a Disney Channel Original Movieâ„¢, The Thirteenth Year. I think it's the one where the boy turns into a merman on his thirteenth birthday, because his actual mother was a mermaid but he was adopted by a cute couple.
Speaking of mermaids and all things aquatic, I'm leaving for the cabin tomorrow! One full week of family bonding and avoiding an inevitable sunburn. I'm actually very excited to be able to hang out with my cousins. When we were growing up, we would play together, but I think we've grown a lot closer as we've aged and matured. My two older siblings won't be there, so my cousins will be forced to spend time with me! *Cue evil laughter* I am so ready to be there already. We have to travel over 12 hours to get there though, so we're stopping at a family friend's house on our way. Which means we have to do it in two trips. Car trips with my father are interesting to say the least. He's the kinda guy who could pull an all-nighter just to get to the destination faster. We've done it before. But now that we have my little brother (who is a very adorable one-approaching-two-year-old), we have to rest more. I think the trip will be less stressful than others in the past, because for one thing, my older brother and I won't be fighting in the backseat anymore. We've (mostly) outgrown fighting over stupid things, which has caused our father to threaten to leave on the side of the highway during one stressful trip to our grandparent's house. It'll only be my father, stepmother, little brother, and I in the car this time, because my sister has to work, and my brother has to attend summer school. I lucked out, because I can do all of my summer schooling on the internet (thank god for google).
I've packed about six books, because we are going to be there for a full week. Normally, six books would last me two days. However, I will be social most of the week, and only read on the beach/when I need to escape the people, so I figured six was a good number. I added in some J. D. Salinger (he's my favorite author) for intelligent reading, a couple books I picked up today at the bookstore ("Nine Inches" by Tom Perrotta and "Everything You Know" by Zoe Heller), and of course "Bite Club" (I'm only 1/4th of the way into it) and the 11th book in the Morganville Vampire series, because sometimes I need a science-fiction/fantasy splurge. I also added my Sudoku book (because duh) and my bird journal, where I write things that happen, good or bad (it's mostly bad).
I told my dad about my short story and sent him the link. I'm not sure if he's read it yet, because he was pretty busy getting everyone else ready for the trip. Apparently my stepmother needs 100,000,034 bags for one week. Ugh. I only need my suitcase (which I've had since I was six) and my hiking backpack full of things to occupy my time (half-full of books). We're leaving at 8:30 AM tomorrow (AKA at least 9:30 AM, knowing my family), and it's currently 3:32 AM. Luckily I will be able to sleep in the car. I have my iPod (a true godsend-- not that I believe in god, or a higher power. I'm Agnostic) which will (hopefully) be able to drown out any noises coming from my stepmother. She is such a loud person. Like always. I mean, I'm a loud person. But she's a loud person at the most obnoxious times. Like when I'm trying to sleep. Or we're in a bookstore.
Woo, calm down there, Negative Nelly! Alrighty, let's get a little more positive. I'll share the "Welcome the Earworms" playlist with you, because I'm listening to it right now and it has saved me from listening to myself think numerous times.
1. "Keep On Keepin' On" by Bleached
2. "Electric Love" by BORNS
3. "Past Lives" by BORNS
4. "Life or Just Living" by Caveman
5. "Clearest Blue" by CHVRCHES
6. "Punching in a Dream" by The Naked and Famous
7. "Polish Girl" by Neon Indian
8. "Absolutely" by Ra Ra Riot
9. "Daisy Duke" by Rooney
10. "Wild" by Royal Teeth
11. "I Hate the Weekend" by Tacocat
12. "Wasted" ft. Matthew Koma by Tiesto
I think "Past Lives" is my current favorite song. "Wasted" is my current favorite trashy pop party song. My opinions on music constantly change, and I'm always finding new favorite songs and artists. My music library expands on my iPod (it holds 160 GB, and at 1,150 songs, I still have 140 GB left), and I feel a little more connected to the world. I enjoy listening to happy/upbeat music, because my mood tends to match what I'm playing. Sometimes a sad song or two is required, and I slowly work my way up to happy music. In sad moods, you can't just go right into pop, you need ease your way into it.
I think I'm done schooling you on music now. Plus I'm completely exhausted. Let's hope I fall asleep before 5:00 AM today. Vale! (Latin for goodbye)