No, I am not in Michigan. What number is this post? 26? And what state is the 26th? Oh, I guess that'd be Michigan!
I literally had to Google that. Sorry to all my history teachers.
Speaking of History! I'm a senior, which means I'm required to take Government as a class, and my teacher is super passionate about government. Teaching it, learning it, living it; you name it, he loves government. He sometimes gets a little too excited about government... Like today, a guy in my class answered a question, and I guess my teacher wasn't satisfied by his answer, so he told him to state his other answer, and the poor student had no clue what on earth he was talking about. He kept saying "State it!" and when the kid said "I don't know" he would say ti again, so eventually the kid said "I don't know what you want me to state!" And his face was the definition of terror. Imagine being called out by a loud, passionate teacher and you have no idea what he's talking about. Now imagine it's the last period of the day on a Friday and you've been stuck in school all day. You're about where this poor soul was today. After school, my friend told me she didn't want to turn to look at the kid's face because she was too scared of the teacher. Yes, he is scary when he gets very passionate about government, but it also gets me excited to learn about government. I don't think I've ever said that about a history course. I am not a history buff by any means. I've actually failed a history class before. So it means a lot that I actually enjoy learning about something involving history. When he isn't yelling at us about government, he's actually really nice. I gave him the wrong paper yesterday, and he was totally cool about it. The girl that sits in front of me was concerned that he was going to get angry, because it meant he would have to sort through the pile of papers he collected in order to extract the mistake. He admitted he hands out incorrect assignments all the time and there was no reason I should be embarrassed. I think he's going to become one of my new favorite teachers. (Right now I'm listening to "I'll Be Alright" by Passion Pit and it's SO GOOD. I'm jammin'.)
Today I met with my therapist for the first time in over a month, and it was great to be able to talk about all my problems and concerns. For the past few days, I haven't been sleeping well because of school, and I told him about it, and he recommended a supplement or something that's natural and helps your brain function. I think it started with an "s?" We talked about theatre, and how rehearsal was going, and that was all well and good. Then somehow we switched to home life. And I kind of shut down. I'm usually very open and respond quickly to questions he asks me, but when it came to my house situations, I had difficulty talking to him and looking him in the eye. I didn't lie, which is what most people are doing when they won't look someone in the eye. I was a little too uncomfortable talking about it to look him in the eye.
I've been relaxing and drowsy for the past couple hours after my appointment, so I think I'll head to bed now and hopefully not mess up my already messed up sleeping schedule any more. Bye for now!