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Sixteen Posts

Today's post is named after a spectacular film from the 1980s. You guessed it! Sixteen Candles. If only Jake would come save me from my boring life. We'd ride off into the sunset together. Soooo romantic!

My life isn't too boring, actually. I got my hair dyed, and they actually want to put me on the website because my hair turned out so fantastically. Imma be famous! My mom just has to sign a release form cause I'm underage. My hair is now a lighter version of what it was, with a hint of purple. No chances it'll turn green.

Today I went to a concert and it was amazing. I got to hang out with some friends I haven't seen in a while and we all danced and sang along. All in all it was amazingly fun. After the concert, my brother and I were supposed to head home, so I turned to get him so we could leave. He was searching for his shoes, because he'd taken them off earlier during the performances. There were zero shoes on the ground. We scanned the whole area, and no shoes appeared. My brother's shoes were stolen at a concert. There's one for the records.

I decided to make a wordle again. I love wordles. They're so fun. This time I only did posts 7-15. Maybe next time I'll do all my posts.

As you can see, I still really like the word "like." Stop judging me. I'm only human.

I'm super exhausted (and I'm pretty sure tomorrow I won't have a voice, thanks to all the screaming and singing I did tonight), so I think I'm going to cut this post short. Adios, amigos!

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