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"Zoe, what the heck is a icosikaioctagon?" you ask me. Well, dear reader, a icosikaioctagon is a polygon. A polygon with how many sides? 28. Twenty-eight sides.

I haven't posted anything in a couple days. I'm blaming this on school 100%. I'm so exhausted when I get home. Today I decided it would be good to take a nap at 7:30 at night. My judgment is a little off when I'm tired. I thought it would be great, and I'd set an alarm for 9:30, so I could get up and do my homework. One thing I failed to realize, is that typically when I've been sleeping and I need to do a lot more sleeping, I don't want to wake up. Especially not for homework. I haven't even done all of my homework. I know, I know, bad Zoe. *Cue whiny voice* But I'm just so tired!

I'm not sure what else I can contribute to this post, so I'm going to end it by saying that I'm listening to an "Avril Lavigne Essentials" music playlist and I'm singing along. Yes, I had an Avril phase in elementary school. No, I am not ashamed. Smell you later! (But not really.)

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