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Odious Things

Apparently 38 is an odious number. And odious numbers are said to be non-evil, but odious means repulsive. Interesting, huh?

Do you ever gather round a table for Thanksgiving dinner, only to realize that you *don't* have THAT family member? You know, the family member with opposing political views who isn't afraid to share them. Or the one who makes things unbelievably awkward at the worst possible time? Or even the one who gets too drunk and makes an inappropriate pass at you or a cousin? Yeah, THAT relative. Well, I thought I didn't have that relative. Boy, was I wrong.

My family and I sat around the table, chit chatting about this and that. Then my stepmother started talking. She said something along the lines of "I want to say what I'm thankful for." And then proceeded to say something about each of my siblings. My little brother, of course, got the generic "he's so perfect and every day with him is a blessing!" Then when it came to me, she said that she was super thankful that I got into THREE colleges already (the acceptance rates were over 90% but she doesn't need to know that). Then it was my older brother's turn. This is where things get a little hairy. She said she was thankful that he no longer relies on medications and can be a real person now. I can't remember all that she said, but it was pretty dang condescending and awkward. Now, my family is Swedish, although we've all lived in America our entire lives. Swedes do not like to talk about things. We keep the deep dark secrets VERY secret, and we never talk about things like mental health. We keep our outside image perfect. And my stepmother comes in and tramples all over it. No one said a word, but I was nervously glancing at my brother, making sure he didn't cause a scene. Of course, my brother isn't the type to cause a scene in the middle of a family dinner. There's the Swede in him. My stepmother moved on, talking about how my sister is getting back on her feet, ready to tackle the real world now that she had spent time recuperating back at home. My family didn't acknowledge her little speech, and we all slowly turned our attention to something else.

Other than that, I've been relatively okay. Yesterday my aunt, cousin, and I binged the Gilmore Girls revival. *Prepare yourself for spoilers!* Can we please talk about how much of a brat Rory is? She is writing about her mother's personal life for everyone in the freaking world to read. And she doesn't understand why Lorelai is upset. Um, excuse me, but did I miss something? You're writing about her entire life, all the good and the bad. Not to say Lorelai was perfect in the revival, because she totally was not. She treated her mother terribly. The only Gilmore who actually had it together was Emily. When she told off the DAR I was cheering. I think Emily's life is amazing and I love her character development SO MUCH. I think her story line was the only one I loved 100%. Rory was still sleeping with Logan. Even though he was engaged. What the heck. Why does she do this? And then she goes and gets pregnant with his child? What. The. Heck. And she doesn't even get together with Jess. BUT WE KNOW HE STILL LOVES HER. Agh. As you can tell, I'm Team Jess. He is so good for her. Logan always screws up her life, and Jess comes in and fixes it. She needs him right now!

Okay, I'll get off my little soap box now and say good night. (But I'm still Team Jess, and always will be.)

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