A Pentagram's Interior
Okay Zoe, what on Earth could you possibly be talking about? The interior angle of a perfect pentagram is 36°. And what post number is this? Oh right! 36. I'm so clever.
I'm in Fall-mode. I'm in full-out binge-watch-everything-possible-on-Netflix and knit-everything-in-sight mode. I'm a nester when it comes to Fall. Today I carved pumpkins with my little brother. He's too young to actually do anything, but he enjoyed watching as my father and I did all the work. He would tell us to "be careful with the pumpkins!" because we had been telling him that every time he picked one up in the hopes he wouldn't drop it. No pumpkins were damaged in the carving process (besides the scooping of pumpkin guts and removing chucks out the outer wall for decoration). I let my brother pick out my design for the big pumpkin. He chose the skull, and I began to work on it. In the mean time, he examined my father as he carved a face the two of them had come up with for their pumpkin. My grandpa watched as I carved the larger, and I felt bad. My grandma had told me that he was excellent at carving pumpkins, and used to shave off part of the skin to add dimensions to his design. As my grandpa got older, his hands became less steady, and I guess he said he didn't want to carve with us because he'd feel self-conscious about it. My grandpa is my favorite person in the entire world. He is what I aspire to be in life. He is the kindest, wisest man I have ever met. He's funny, too. It breaks my heart to see him unable to do things like carve pumpkins that he ordinarily would've loved to do with us. He's been getting sicker, and I'm scared. I want to put him in a security bubble where no harm can touch him and he'll live forever. I think he has so much wisdom to offer, but people look over him because he's old and it takes him a while to make his point.
I went off on a sad tangent there, didn't I? I was talking about Fall. I saved the pumpkins guts and separated out the seeds from the mush, and seasoned the seeds. I laid them all out on a cookie sheet and baked them for a little under an hour, and by the time they were ready, the house smelled delicious. I love warming things in the kitchen that make the whole house smell wonderful. It makes a house a home. There's one "recipe" my mom uses that I love. She takes clementine/orange peels, puts them in water, and adds cinnamon and some other spices. She lets it all simmer on the stove, and pretty soon the house smells like Fall. I hope she does it again at the new house.
The other part of my Fall-induced behavior is binge-watching Netflix. I'm currently re-watching Grey's Anatomy. This is probably a big mistake, but I love that show. I can't help it. I also got the impulse to do Sudoku while watching it. Every time I binge a TV show I like to do some Sudoku so I have something to do with my hands that won't take away from the show. It's like my hands are craving for it. I finished all the puzzles in my only book here, so I printed some from the internet. That took me about one episode of Grey's Anatomy, and now I need MORE. Please send help (and Sudoku puzzles).