Mediterranean Islands
How many islands are in the Mediterranean, you ask? Why, dear reader, the answer is 34.
Boy was I full of salt last post! I promise I am feeling so much better. I think that was the last ounce of feeling I had for my friend, poured all out in that one post. I don't think I feel that way about her anymore, and I've kinda set my sights on someone else. This new someone uses the pronouns they/them, but uses female pronouns at school for the sake of acceptance. Today they came over to see my new house. Yes, I said new. I moved last week, and I am in LOVE with my room. It comes with a bathroom that is all mine and the walls were already blue (my favorite color). I still have to unpack some things, but I was able to have a friend over this weekend. This friend came and we hung out for a few hours. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard with one person in the span of a day. We were cracking each other up every other second (who knew there was so much to smile about?!).
I know my happiness shouldn't be based on my love life (which is still nonexistent if you were wondering), but I can't help but feel happy when I'm around them. They make me smile so much, and has never, ever said a mean word about me. The only thing they really tease me about is my height, which I'm fine with because I'm tiny. I kept thinking about kissing them, but decided not to because I didn't want them to get awkward around me. I'm not sure if they even like me in that way, because although we flirt, they're kinda that way with everyone. I wish I could put a sign over my head that says "I"M GAY FOR YOU" and it would hang over my head whenever we hung out. Until a wonderful invention like that is created, I'm just gonna keep my mouth closed. I would hate for anything to ruin our friendship.
Yesterday I was unpacking my candles, and I set them in front of the painting of my dog (yes I have a professional painting of my dog that we paid actual money for and framed), and it looked like a shrine. I hadn't hung up the painting yet, but it looked like I made a shrine dedicated to my dog. Nothing describes me more than having a shrine dedicated to my best friend, so I decided to leave the candles there after I hung up the painting. I haven't lit the candles yet (they're still fire virgins), but it's a really cute set-up. My dog actually loves hanging out in my new room, which is awesome because now I can snuggle with him whenever. Of course right now he isn't in my room, right as I talk about him being in my room all the time, but that's only because other people are eating. He loves to sit and stare at people while they eat to make them feel guilty for not offering their plate to his greedy little mouth. I love the dog, but man is he a fatty. I'm a fatty, but he's a slutty fatty, who will pretend to love someone for food.
I could write a whole novel or two about my dog, so I'm going to stop there while I still have friends with opposable thumbs. Au revior! (My dog is a Bichon, a french breed, so I thought a French goodbye was fitting.)