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A (Hopefully) Helpful Guide From a High School Senior

No, there is no witty title based on a number, today, folks. I got inspired to write this post because multiple of my female friends are currently stressing over teenage boys who deserve no attention. Sorry not sorry, my feminist is showing.

1. Don't bother dating. I know, a lot of people date in high school. MY advice? Don't. I spent a lot of time worrying if someone liked me back, and what they thought of me, but I didn't realize the most important person was me. High school is such an awkward transition phase, and you need to be able to focus on yourself. Most of the time, people look back on high school and say, "I can't believe I dated so-and-so!" Dating in high school adds way too much to your plate, and it's energy you could put towards more important things, like reading. Which brings me to my next point.

2. Read. No, I don't mean doing that homework assignment you've been putting off (although, you should probably do that, too). I mean reading a good book that you can get lost in. Reading is a wonderful way to de-stress and escape into another world. I don't know about you, but I typically don't like my surroundings at home, so I find a book with a compelling story line and whirlwind characters to be my cure. Maybe it's something else for you, but for me, reading is my escape.

3. Draw. Even if you suck at drawing, everyone can draw a little flower garden in the top of their notebook. I recently got more into art, and have found my passion-- charcoal pencils. I LIVE for charcoal pencils. It's like a drug. My art doesn't always turn out pretty; just like most things in life. Art is authentic, and uniquely you.

4. Don't be afraid to let friends go. You will change. It will happen. That's one of the beauties of high school; you come in an awkward little freshman, and leave a sarcastic young adult. As you change, so are your classmates. Don't expect the girl you sat next to in English (who became your best friend immediately because you had matching Spider-Man school supplies) to stay who she was, or to grow the same way you do. I don't mean you should have a fight and leave on bad terms. What I mean is, sometimes people grow apart and that's just fine. Don't force something when you know it'll only make things more uncomfortable.

5. Go to bed. I need to take my own advice; but you need sleep. When you're younger it may not seem that way, but sleep helps with school so much. I'm not recommending you go to bed at 8:30pm every night (although I do know a senior who still does that), but maybe shoot for getting into bed at 10pm at the latest.

This concludes my post for tonight, as it is almost 11:30pm on a Tuesday night, and I really do need to take my own advice. I may continue with this little series, but for now, I'm gonna go. I gotta go my own way (cue Gabriella from HSM singing).

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