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Thrice Decades

Holy crapola I haven't posted in ten days! And yes, my title today is "Thrice Decades" because school has drained me of all my creative juices.

It's Day Three Hundred Million of my Senior year (not really, but it feels like it), and I'm tired. I've actually been keeping up on homework and not procrastinating in general. I mean I still don't do my Latin homework, but I wasn't even doing that Freshman year.

My past week has been a whirlwind. On Friday night after rehearsal, my friend (who is going to college in September) picked me up from school and we went to her house to hang out. We painted our nails and walked down to the neighborhood CVS to get ice cream and those Starbucks drinks that come in glass bottles. We were talking about anything and everything, as we did every day last school year during lunch. I had a crush on her, but it was low-key and I shoved it all down because she had a boyfriend. Her boyfriend went away to a different college, and they broke up. This means she was single when we were hanging out. We were sitting on her bed, talking, when she asks if I want to make out with her. I thought she was kidding, but apparently she wasn't. At all.

I laughed it off the first time, way too nervous to admit that I did, in fact, want to put my face on her face. We were going to bed, and she said she likes to cuddle, so we did. Then she asked me if I would mind if she kissed me. I said something like "Sure, I wouldn't mind" (because I'm just that suave). She turned her head and kissed me for about two seconds. She pulled away and said, "Wow, that was a lot more than I was expecting." I'm assuming she expected the kiss to be a quick peck and retreat. Then she asked if she could do it again. So it's 3 am, and we're laying in her bed, making out. As I mentioned before, I had a crush on her previously. So after she dismounted me (at some point she straddled me), we went back to spooning. She was the big spoon and I was the little spoon. As we were getting situated, her hand's automatic position was on my boob. We laughed and I moved it so it was holding mine instead.

After a minute or two, I felt her hand move ever so slightly. She was touching me. I lay there, unsure of what to do. I heard her ask me if I was awake. I responded that I was, and she heaved a sigh of relief and said "Good, I didn't want to molest you." So she played with my nipples (I can't believe I just typed nipples oh my god), and after a few minutes of me laying awkwardly, she said, "You can touch mine, too." She had been jiggling my boobs, because I'm a D cup and she's a small B, and she was fascinated by the large wobble they produced. I turned and laughed a little, because I was way too nervous to touch her. She literally picked up my hand and placed it on her boob. I again laughed and took back possession of my hand. She tried once again to move my hand to her chest, but I said, "I can't really do much if you're wearing a bra." So she sat up and took it off. She laid back down and moved my hand for the last time to her boob. I started playing with her, and found out her nipples are crazy sensitive. After a few minutes of that, she told me I could touch her butt. She said that her butt was her strong feature, and asked me if I was more of a butt person. I, being the awkward human I am, laughed a little and tried not to make weird squeaking noises when she moved my hand to her butt. She does have a nice butt. Like, a really nice butt. So I was squeezing it, because what else do you do with a butt? And she mentioned one of her fetishes was spanking. This was waaaaay too much for my overstimulated brain to handle, so I put an end to the groping. We talked a little more after that, and eventually fell asleep cuddling.

So that was just my weekend, and I'm planning on hanging out with her again on Saturday. As you can tell, I had a very, very gay weekend. And it was awesome. *Awkward finger guns* Catch you on the flip side!

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