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You'll Never Catch Me Alive, Copper!

Zoe, what the heck is up with today's title? I'll tell you, dear reader. Copper's atomic number has something to do with it. What's copper's atomic number you ask? 29.

So earlier tonight I went downstairs and my sister also happened to be in the kitchen. We struck up a conversation, during which she told me her friend, whom I've hated since forever, came to visit yesterday. She asked me if I remembered why I hated him and I honestly had no clue. She told me he remembered why. He told her it was in 2008, and they had created an Obama mii and a McCain mii. Her friend (who is named after a president who got sick shortly after becoming president) chose to play as McCain for Wii Tennis as a joke, and in that moment I decided to hate him. They tried to explain to me it was a joke, but I'm guessing my mentality went somewhere along the lines of "he sucks and you're stupid so I still hate you." I probably even said this aloud to him. Hey, I was only 9 at the time. Gimme a break.

After I volunteered at the shelter (and hung out with the cutest little kitten named Tibbie who cuddled with me), I went over to my friend's house. This particular friend has been called cute by basically every female I know. So when I told my grandma whose house I was going to, she said "the cute one with the glasses?" Sigh. Yes, the cute one with the glasses, grandma. Sadly, he does not find me cute. He finds our other friend cute. I can't blame him; she's basically a Victoria's Secret model in the making. I've never met a more photogenic person in my life. So anyway, I hung out with him today and we watched the first episode of Bob's Burgers. After that, we talked and watched the Digimon videos on YouTube that my siblings and I are obsessed with. He found them funny, which is good because I would've had to disown him as a friend if he didn't. I'm shallow that way.

I'm super ready to watch a little Criminal Minds and relax, watching my weekend tick away. This is g'night!

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