How Many Hours in a Day?
Well there are 1... 2... 3... 24 hours in a day. So I thought it would be fit to riff on that a bit.
It's August, and you know what that means! School starts soon *cue horror music*. I start school on Wednesday, which is less than two (very short) days away. Today I went to the orthodontist, and they gave me my two new retainers; one for my upper, one for my lower. They look like Invisalign, but I only have to wear them at night. Along with my shiny retainers came a model of my teeth. No, I am not kidding. They 3D printed my teeth from a scan they did with a camera. The epitome of millennial orthodontics. I've been formulating puns to go along with my teeth model, one of which includes the world's scariest sock puppet. The whole reason they awarded me the beautiful pun inspiration in the first place is to ensure I have a way to get a retainer in case I lose one (or both) of the originals. I've placed the model on my table, where anyone visiting my room can spot it and inquire about the origin. Maybe I'll say they're my grandma's actual teeth. However, as Uncle Ben so wisely pointed out, with great power comes great responsibility. As I've been given the responsibility of keeping the fake teeth safe from harm and judgement, I think I should refrain from any remarks that may end in its demise.
I've been really tired lately when I try to write posts. I know I always write late, but I usually stay up for a couple more hours after I upload. After 10:00 pm I become a zombie, only capable of watching Netflix and scrolling through Tumblr. I think the zombie state is having a negative impact on my well being. It's making it harder to feel positive and happy all the time. My overall goal for improving my life is to be more positive in daily life, and appreciate others. I think I've been more positive, and tried to find the optimism in every situation so far. One place I'm lacking is the social. I've actually lied to my friends about being in town so I can avoid social interaction. To be fair, there were some people in attendance I did not want to talk to at all. Like, I'd rather be hit over the head with a metal baseball bat than interact with them. Okay, that was a really negative thought. I'm trying to restructure the way I think of things, too. If I think something negative, I've been trying to catch it and make it more positive, or find the good in the situation. I'm not perfect 100% of the time, but I'm learning and improving myself along the way.
Today, my brother and I decided to go on a spontaneous Pokemon Go hunting trip. We first stopped in an ice cream store to stock up on sugar for our journey. After we had finished our ice cream (I had a scoop of strawberry in a waffle cone, he had two scoops of cookies and cream in a dish), we walked around. Overall we walked about 1.6 miles. He hatched two eggs, and I hatched one. I believe that all three were at various stages when we began the journey, and were all 5km. I still haven't gotten a 10km egg, but I did catch a Jigglypuff today. I have been searching for a Jigglypuff for WEEKS. Bless whoever put the lure on that pokestop. Bless you.
After our excursion I was practically dead. Zoe and heat and walking DO NOT MIX. Yesterday I went horseback riding with my mom, and my butt is still sore from that. When I was dismounting Festus (the horse I rode), my upper arm collided with the saddle, leaving me with a nasty bruise. It takes a lot to bruise me, and this bruise is dark purple already. Just in time for school.
Okay, I can't stop thinking about how tired I am (I'm probably going to stay up on Tumblr for the next hour). Bye, Felicia!