Twunny Posts
I couldn't think of a good pop culture reference, so I'm just misspelling "twenty" because I'm a disappointment. I know. I'm sorry.
I haven't posted in four whole days! (Probably because I couldn't think of a post name for the number 20.) I'm super sleepy but also ready for anything. I've been getting around 4-5 hours a night, because I stay up late (accidentally) and then I wake up early to go to appointments. Last night my friend came over and we went to bed at midnight. She fell asleep almost instantly, but I stayed up and read a book (illegally *gasp*) on my phone. I ended up going to sleep around three, I believe. She had an alarm set for 8:30 and I was not happy. I probably groaned and rolled over. She was making noises, and I am very grumpy in the morning, so I gave her a death glare and tried to fall back asleep. By the time she had to leave, I was barely awake. I am not a morning person when I first wake up. It takes me a while to warm up, but once I have alone time and am actually awake, I'm a total morning person. I like to wake up an hour before I have to do anything, that way I can have my "Me Time" and not kill someone. I've come VERY close to committing murder just because someone dared to speak to me before I was awake. I don't drink coffee, because I don't want to have to rely on it. I'm guessing that at some point this year, though, that I will start drinking coffee, and I will not be able to stop. It's gonna happen.
I went over to my friend's house earlier tonight, and we got some facial masks from a CVS. I got one that peeled, and by the time it was dry, my brother was there to pick me up. I didn't tell him I had done a facial mask, and I sat in his car and started to peel at it. He looked at me and said "I've learned not to question." I mean, when you grow up with someone as spontaneous as me, I guess you get used to weird things like seeing me pull off half my face at 11 pm on a Wednesday night. I was a random child, too. Sometimes I would just get in the mood to dress a certain way, like one day I was goth, and then the next I would choose to be a mime (I used my very pale sister's foundation for mime makeup). Sometimes I would change my outfit four times a day, because that particular outfit didn't fit my mood anymore. I was also prone to blurting things out with no warning, which led to my coming out as an atheist (which isn't exactly true now), and my brother trying to salvage dinner with my family by explaining that I was more agnostic (bless his heart). My fashion sense hasn't gotten any better. It's become a mix of hippy, 90s grunge, flirty, edgy, tomboy, girly, and pretty much any other adjective that doesn't have to do with showing too much skin. I've taken a liking to ankle-length skirts recently. I got a tie-dye maxi skirt at Target, and it's the best, because it has POCKETS. And it makes me look taller, which at 5'0.5", I could use all the additional centimeters I can get.
Today I decided to wear my favorite red plaid blanket as a cape, and even wore it over to my friend's house. That's dedication. I've shown up places wearing what should be a ridiculous outfit, but on me looks normal. I wore rain boots practically every day it didn't rain my freshman year, and established that rain boots were my "thing" (one of my friends didn't wear rain boots one time because of this). I have a wacky sense of fashion, but it goes along with my eccentric personality, so people adapt and consider it the new normal for me.
I think that about wraps it up. I'm a fashion freak, and Calvin Klein wishes he was me. Latuh, hatuhs!