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Still a Teen Post

The names of the posts are less and less creative. From the bottom of my heart, my bad. The whole idea behind the title today is that a 19-year-old is technically an adult AND a teenager. Those two are completely different things. I think Eric from "That '70s Show" summed it up: "It's like we're too old to trick-or-treat, but too young to die." I think that really captures the essence of teenagehood.

I didn't post yesterday. I honestly forgot about it completely. My mom and I both have become addicted to Pokemon Go (we're Team Mystic because I like blue). Last night we captured pokemon to and from the theatre to see Ghostbusters. IT WAS AMAZING. Seriously, it was the best of all possible worlds. And I'm in love with Holtzmann. They pulled the whole thing off so beautifully and I haven't heard a single bad review. Okay, I have heard a couple, but they were from whiney boys who didn't want females to "ruin" a classic film. I have one thing to say to them: Bud, this movie is going to be the new classic. The old Ghostbusters movie should bow down to the newer.

Last night, after we saw the beauty that was Ghostbusters, my mom and I took my dog for a walk to catch some pokemon. We never walk my (poor, fat little) dog. Pokemon Go has given us the incentive to walk the dog. Truly amazing. So we walked for about 45 minutes, and pretty much all I got were Weedles and Spearows. Freaking Weedles. I'm so sick of Weedles! Little evil buggers.

I'm now suffering from quite a few bug bites due to our little excursion. It was worth it though. I leveled up to six! Okay, I'll stop with the Poke-talk.

Turns out I'm going to be training a couple of people tomorrow at the shelter to be volunteers. I'm kinda nervous. What if I don't do well? Agh! I'm sure I'll be fine. I just have to find some long pants to wear so I don't break one of the rules while telling other people to follow the rules. They're probably going to be older than I am, because the youngest volunteers they take are 16-year-olds. Will it be weird for me to train people older than me? I hope not. I think I have to carry around a clip board or something. Maybe I should bring a pen just in case they don't any available. It'd be so awkward if I didn't have a pen and I had to ask someone at the front desk. Okay, Zoe, stop going through embarrassing scenarios that most likely won't happen (although, knowing me, they probably will). Deeeeeeep breaths. I can do this. I'm a great volunteer! I love animals. I got this. I just want to pet cats now. They're so fluffy and cute. Kittens are so adorable because they think they're tough and they'll try to fight you but they can't because they're too small! I've effectively distracted myself with thoughts of cute kittens. Good going, Zo! Alrighty I need to go to bed so I don't go all zombie on my trainees. Mrrrow! (That's kitten speak for goodnight.)

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