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The Dancing Post

Geddit? Like the Dancing Queen? The ABBA song? From Mamma Mia? Of course you do! And yes, I am dancing right now. Currently jamming to "Each Year" by Ra Ra Riot, which is slowly but surely becoming my new favorite. I'm definitely not listening to this one song on repeat...

Okay, I'm totally listening to it on repeat. Will I hate it because I listened to it too much? Probably. Do I care right now? Not so much. It makes me happy. I think we need to hold onto things that make us happy. I mean, if it's bad for you, like drugs, I would recommend not doing that. But if it's something innocent like a good song, I say keep it! Songs are like drugs for me. Happy songs make happy, and sad songs make me sad. I prefer to listen to happy songs, such as *surprise* "Each Year"! Okay I'm still struggling with knowing where to put the punctuation when quotation marks are involved. Someday I will learn. Today is not that day.

Music is one of the few things in life that make me happy that doesn't cost money. I mean, sure, you're supposed to pay for it or whatever but why do that when you can illegally download it online? *Checks outside for police* Nope, I'm good! I've been spending a lot of money lately. Not my own, mind you. It all started when my phone stopped working. That stupid bugger. I suggested to my mom that I should go to the Apple store, but she said that since I was due for an upgrade, I should just go to the AT&T store. So we did, and I got my precious new phone. I'm attached to it. The bill was around $80, because we both got new screen protectors and I was due for an upgrade. Then the next day, Tuesday, I went to get my hair dyed. Typically, it only costs $75 for coloring, but when you have to bleach, it takes longer and is way more expensive. Like $230 expensive. I asked my mom to pay $8 for hair dye so I could do it myself, but she wanted me to get it professionally done. I didn't argue, and it ended up costing her over $200! Crazy, right? But I'm obsessed with my hair now and they even want to put my pictures up on their website because it turned out so well. The money spending didn't even stop there. That night, I went to a concert. My brother also went, and my mom even paid for our express parking (which my brother didn't even use-- I am totally not telling my mom that, though). It ended up being over $90. It was worth it. Then, today, for dinner, I ordered a pizza using her credit card again. She told me to, but Domino's had a special where pizzas were half off, so in order to meet the delivery minimum, I had to order bread sticks. Momma was not happy I added to the bill. I don't think she's even seen the hair bill yet. So lets calculate the total expenses for Zoe this week. 80 and 230 plus the tip I forgot I added for the hairdresser, makes it 255, then the 90 for the concert makes it 345, and the 18 (I'm not sure how much my mom tipped the pizza delivery guy) makes it roughly 363. And yes, I did all the addition in my head. I'm just that good.

It's not even Friday and this week alone I've spent well over $300 of my mother's money. Oopsies? What can I say? I'm an expensive kid. But I'm worth it ;) Okey Dokey I'm gonna go read or something. Au revoir!

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