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Fort E(nth) Post

I completely made up the name for this post. I'm trying to be clever at 2 AM and it is just not happening. So, today you get a history reference, with a fort that doesn't even exist. I made it up. Deal with it. (I'm not gonna bring the Deal With It Corgis into this.)

I've been at the cabin all week! I was trapped with zero WiFi, which meant no blogging. For a full week. How am I gonna get back into the swing of things? Guess we'll find out. I was attached to my cousin at the hip all week. The longest we spent apart was when I took a nap when she went on a boat ride. It was like five hours tops. Other than that, we were together 24/7, except in the bathroom. We even slept in the same room (and, some nights, in the same bed). Recently we've grown ridiculously close, as she has matured and I've stopped being a bossy brat. We are basically the same person, which her mom noticed when I "responded JUST the way she would!" Then I responded to her saying THAT apparently EXACTLY as she would. Again. It was like a never-ending cycle of doppelgänger accidents. We even buy the same clothes. We live 10 hours away from each other, but we managed to buy the exact same dress. And the same tank top (hers is blue, but mine is pink). We have the same taste in clothes! It's insane. But anyway, I spent all week with her. We rarely see each other three times a year, so we cherish Cabin Week. Last night we were talking about me hopping on a plane to visit them for two weeks (they're seriously the best family, and I want them to adopt me), which I jumped at. My dad even said it sounded fun when I brought it up to him earlier today. It wasn't even the kids' idea, it was my uncle's, which means it officially is possible of happening. Does that wording even make sense? Who cares!

I'm so tired and my phone won't CHARGE. Screw you, Apple. I'm grumpy. I think I'll ask my brother if I can borrow his charger. Hopefully his phone is charged and he won't make up a stupid excuse. That's about all I'm willing to type in my exhausted state, so g'night little buggers!

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