The Twelve Days of Zoe
I am aware that it is not December, therefore my reference to the "Twelve Days of Christmas" is ridiculous, but I do not care. *Cue Deal With It Corgis*

I am continuing in my conquest for World Domination by sleeping and remembering to take my allergy meds. If I didn't, the world would burn in a less satisfactory way. Okay, but seriously, I've actually been getting enough sleep. Which is insane, because during school, I never get enough sleep. I'm lucky if I can get 6 hours a night. But by changing my sleeping patterns, I can remember my dreams better. Even my nightmares, The origin of the word "nightmare" comes from the old belief that a black horse would ride through the streets at night and give people bad dreams. I learned this during a unicorn project I did in eighth grade. Some of my "facts" were based off a website. To say the least, it was not my finest work. I bring up nightmares because I had my first one (that I could remember) in years. It all started out at Holiday World, the place with all the rides and the creepy Santa statue (that I hugged when I was eight--there's photographic evidence). My family (mom, stepdad, and brother) and I were going on a ride (I hate roller-coasters, so I have no idea how they managed to talk me into this one) that was for four people at a time. While I was waiting on my family to come join me in the seats for the ride, I was talking to a cute guy (turns out he was 24, AKA way too old for me and not even legal). My family then joins me and we each take our seats. This ride allows groups of four o venture out by themselves. It started out as a roller coaster, on wooden tracks. Every seat had hand accelerators, like on motorcycles. The accelerators determined the speed at which we went down the tracks, and for some reason my mom and I had one for both of our hands, while my brother and stepfather only had one each. After we take a slight right turn, our seats become disconnected. At this point, we end up in a building. We're trying to figure out which way to go to get to the end of the ride. It's kind of like a maze. I hate haunted houses and this place reminded me of an abandoned house, so naturally I started freaking out. Our seats/accelerators have disappeared, and we're walking around freely. When we first entered the building, it made sense where we would go, and there were obvious dead ends that steered us in the right direction. However, as we go on through the house, the path becomes unclear and we're lost. I started hyperventilating, getting very anxious. Then I decided to wake up. Nothing in real life caused me to wake up, it was all my choice. I don't think that's normal. Maybe it was semi-lucid dreaming?
I used to read through dream dictionaries all the time. I even bought one at a book store once. I liked to know what my dreams meant and it was a source of comfort, I guess. Cause sometimes you dream about the weirdest things, but by looking it up, you find out it's not abnormal, and there's probably a good reason that's deeper than its face value. And no, I will not elaborate on my weird dreams. I have had some REALLY weird ones. I think the last nightmare I actually remember having happened in sixth grade. And it involved vampires, most likely due to all the books I read. Now my dreams are probably related to my not knowing what I'm doing with life. The maze? Probably how I feel about life. It started out simple, with a clear path, but then I had to make decisions about where I was going, and it made everything murky. Who knows if dreams actually mean anything? I like the idea that our subconscious is trying to relate our realities to abstract concepts. Maybe I should become a dream interpreter. It could be like "Teen Witch" but I'd be a much more attractive witch. I'll be old and live in a cool house, and in the middle of a storm, a young teenage girl comes to me, asking for help. And I'll know everything. Like the great Wizard of Oz. Except believable.
Alrighty I think I need to sleep now. This post hasn't been as long as my others have been recently, but I think tomorrow I'll have more to talk about. Goodnight, Moon!