The Devil's Post
The Devil's number is 6, so I figured an appropriate name for this post would be something Satanic. No, I'm not religious. I'm Agnostic.
So lately, I've been reading. Like, a lot. Like two-books-a-day a lot. By reading practically all day, I've remembered how special it is to get lost in a world that is completely different from your own. In middle school, I didn't have any homework and the grades weren't real. This allowed me to read pretty much 24/7. Okay, maybe not 24 hours a day, but if I was awake, I was glued to a book. My book obsession started in fourth grade, I believe. Before then, I hadn't been interested in books. I'd thought they were boring and only boring people read books because their lives weren't cool enough. Oh boy was I wrong. Books are an amazing way to escape reality and experience things you wouldn't dare attempt in your own life. Of course, by reading fantasy novels, it was literally impossible for me to experience anything like it in real life. I get attached to the characters so easily and I have cried over so many books. So many. My tumblr url is even based on my OTP in 8th grade. A word to the wise: don't create a tumblr in eighth grade. You'll end up regretting your url.
By reading books I can become hopeful for romantic love; a part of my life that is 100% nonexistent currently. By living vicariously through the heroines in novels, I am able to understand what it feels like (or what people want you to believe it feels like) and I become happy. Of course, there is always post-book depression, when you finish a novel/series and you just aren't ready to give up those characters just yet. I swear, authors are magicians. In just one chapter, they can make you turn on someone they'd made you grow to love. They can leave you sobbing on the floor of an airport bathroom, unable to imagine a world in which one of the characters doesn't exist anymore (I'm looking at you, Jennifer Niven!). Yes, that actually happened to me. No, I don't want to talk about it.
I tried writing a short story, and it was just okay. I'm only about halfway through it. I know you're supposed to write short stories in one go, but I'm a procrastinator at heart. The whole shtick is that you don't actually know the character's gender until the very end of the story, and you discover she is a lesbian. I got the idea from one of those creative writing prompts. The prompt wasn't about genders, but it was something along the lines of "your character has never traveled before and decides to lie about it and create a whole adventurer of themselves for the person they're sitting next to." Of course, I started in an airport, and made the character unable to handle the thought of flying. Also she's the definition of awkward, which is one of the few characteristics I hold very near and dear to my heart.
I think I'm done just writing ABOUT the story and might start in on it again. Ooh I've also decided to write out quotes for my bedroom wall. Quotes to live by. So far, I have my Julius Caesar quote in Latin (because I'm the biggest nerd), "Veni. Vidi. Vici." I drew Caesar based off a picture I found online, then printed the words largely over his face. It looks pretty cool. A couple weeks ago I saw a picture on tumblr that said "Be someone that makes you happy" and it didn't give credit to whoever coined the phrase, so I didn't add quotation marks around it. Instead, I surrounded it with flowers and swirls. It's pretty cute. Today, I contributed two more. One is by Stephen Chbosky, the author of The Perks of Being a Wallflower. "We can't choose where we come from, but we can choose where we go from there." The second of the day is from my favorite painter, Vincent Van Gogh. "I would rather die of passion than boredom." Van Gogh is my favorite painter not only because I love his artwork, but because I respect him so much as a person. It seemed as though the whole world was against him. I can understand feeling like that, and although I don't want to kill myself in a field, I feel helpless sometimes. Then I remember how famous he became after he had given up, how he never realized his own potential. It makes me want to stay alive longer to see my own impact in the world.
Now that I've simultaneously depressed and inspired all of you, I think it's time for me to end the post for today. Peace out