The Fourth of the Posts
Obviously my post names are just getting worse and worse. Today's post title is based off the holiday, the Fourth of July. Obviously it's not the 4th, or even July, because the little date thingy says June 18. But it is summer! You have to give me that one.
Before I go too far off on the ramble train, I want to switch gears. So, today was actually pretty great. I got new hiking shoes (and yes, they're cute. I would never get ugly shoes!) and the guy who was helping us was kinda cute so, in typical Zoe fashion, I acted like a spaz. My mom literally told me to stop acting "silly." I can't help my innate awkwardness. Anyway, the guy had to measure my feet and I was standing there and he was like really close to me, which only made me act weirder. I'm 99.999% sure my facial coloring resembled a fire truck. After he left to get some shoes in my size (a whole half size too big. Turns out he isn't THAT good at his job) and instead of him, a girl came back. This was a huge relief and I felt like I could finally stop acting weird. She helped us out and I got my shoes and some wool socks (and also some cute T shirts on the clearance rack, because who can resist a sale?!).
We then went to a grocery store and picked up some oatmeal with apple chunks (cause that's the best kind of oatmeal) for our camping trip next week. We also decided to try *some* protein bars. Just a few. We walked away with at least a dozen different kinds. Oopsies? This is why I cannot have freedom while shopping. I always go overboard. Always. (By repeating words, you can create emphasis. EMPHASIS! {Yes, that was a Drake and Josh reference, thankyouverymuch})
Overall, I had a pretty great day. Besides a little mix-up with some tickets for an upcoming concert that my mom had been "too busy" to buy (it's okay, it turns out the concert wasn't sold out, but tickets are just way more expensive--I'm looking at you, Ticketmaster!). I've been jammin out to some hip tunes in my room for the past couple hours and actually convinced my mom to give me a french braid (a favor that I returned, by the way). Sometimes I sound like a mom trying to be "hip" but I promise I'm not anywhere near that age *shudder*. Alrighty, looks like I'm gonna keep reading (I'm rereading the Maximum Ride series, currently on book five). Keep on swimming!