Post the Third
Okay, my title today is based off of the third Shrek movie. Which is a high quality film, by the way. Today I met with my therapist (or "paid friend" as my mom likes to refer to him) for the second time. I feel comfortable talking to him, and I think I can actually benefit from talking to him. We talked about my "procrastination" habits. Turns out, that's a symptom for bipolar disorder. I was not happy to hear that. So far, I haven't been officially diagnosed with anything. Wow this is getting very personal.
So anyway. Subject change time I guess. I'm sunburned. Or is it sunburnt? I can never tell. I was told to put on sunscreen before swimming (I'd even made a poster about the dangers of skin cancer for health class) but I decided I wanted a tan. As far as I can tell, it's only on my face and arms/shoulders. My shoulders are hardcore dark pink, and my face and upper arms are kinda light pink. I'm probably going to start peeling in a couple days (TMI, I know). I'm super excited for the burning sensation to hit my nervous system tomorrow! Not.
This post is actually pretty long! I'm very impressed with my babbling skills. I did have a long day, after all. It's 2 AM and of course I haven't gone to sleep yet (I'm on summer break, what do you want from me?), so to me it feels like Friday, but in actuality it's Saturday.
I think I'm going to end the post here because I'm actually getting sleepy (probably my sunburn kicking in). Later gators