Pilot Jr.
Do you enjoy my witty blog titles? The first was Pilot, like a TV show pilot, so I decided an appropriate name for the second would be Pilot Jr. Get it? Anyway, I'm not sure who would actually be interested in hearing my thoughts or learning about my ultimately boring life. I guess the whole point is that I don't know. I'm hoping to expand the word count per blog post in the near future, but so far I'm still getting the hang of this thing. I've decided not to mention others in my life by name, as this is on the internet and anyone could see it. All you'll know of my own name is Zoe, and even that is unpopular enough to raise some red flags. Am I rambling? I think I'm good at rambling, which is typically common in a blog post I think. Alrighty I think that's enough babble for today. Ciao